Suffering a workplace injury is devastating but what can be more devastating is WorkCover rejecting your claim. If this occurs then you may find yourself in the horrible position of not being able to work and not having any income to pay your bills.
If you suffer an injury at Work you need to lodge a WorkCover claim. WorkCover, or the self-insurer, will consider your claim and inform you if your claim is accepted. Fortunately, most workplace injury claims are accepted by WorkCover and you can receive your income and concentrate on recovering from your injuries.
However, if your claim is rejected by WorkCover it must provide you with a letter setting out the exact reasons why and providing evidence of those reasons. You should receive that letter within a day of your claim being rejected.
If your claim is rejected you have 90 days to lodge an Application for Review with The Regulator. Your Application must set out the reasons WorkCover’s decision is wrong and provide further information. The Regulator will consider your Application and can either uphold or overturn WorkCover’s decision.
If The Regulator upholds and confirms WorkCover’s decision your next step is an appeal to the Magistrates Court. This must be lodged quickly.
Workplace Injury Lawyers
If WorkCover rejects your claim it is important that you seek urgent advice from a specialist personal injury lawyer. The minute that WorkCover rejects your claim you should call a lawyer and look to retain a lawyer to act for you. The lawyer can assist with your Application to the Regulator and to the Magistrates Court if required.
Your Claim Lawyers are specialists in workplace injury and WorkCover claims and have assisted many clients who have had their claim rejected by WorkCover. If WorkCover has rejected your claim call Your Claim Lawyers on 1800 968 725 or 0400 839 314 for a free consultation.