The majority of personal injury claims in Queensland settle at a meeting between you and the insurer, with your lawyer, called a compulsory conference.
All claims in Queensland have a compulsory conference. The idea of the conference is to meet with the insurer and both parties make submissions and arguments to put forward their case. Your Barrister will put forward your case and why you should receive a certain sum of money and then the insurer will say why it should not have to pay the amount you are requesting.
The parties then split up and offers are made back and forth to see if your claim can resolve.
The compulsory conference is not stressful and is not like any legal meetings you have seen in the movies or TV shows. There will be no yelling and no one will storm out of the room in anger.
It is always the best idea to settle your claim at the compulsory conference as this takes away the risk of going to Court and saves an incredible amount of time and money.
If your claim settles you need to sign the insurer’s Release and you should receive your settlement monies within six weeks of the settlement date.
Your Injury Claims Lawyer
You need a lawyer in your claim who can move your claim quickly to a settlement while at the same time maximising your claim to ensure you receive as much money in the hand as possible. Your Claim Lawyers are specialists in personal injury claims and have years of experience in running claims.
If you think you have personal injury claims please call Your Claim Lawyers on 1800 968 725 or 0400 839 314 for a free consultation.