If you are injured in a car accident you can bring accident claims for your personal injuries under the Motor Accident Insurance Act. The claim is against the Compulsory Third Party Insurer of the at-fault vehicle.
As part of your claim, the insurer is required to pay for “reasonable and appropriate” rehabilitation. What rehabilitation is “reasonable and appropriate” will depend on your injuries and what Doctors recommend.
The majority of claims for personal injuries from car accidents are for whiplash, that is an injury to the neck and back. In these accident claims the insurers generally fund about 15 sessions of physiotherapy and sometimes consider funding other treatment such as a TENS machine, hydrotherapy and massage.
When injuries involve broken bones, head trauma and the like the insurers will usually appoint a rehabilitation adviser to discuss issues with you and your Doctor to see if the insurer will pay for any required operations, ongoing treatment and medication.
If your injuries include psychiatric trauma then the insurer will generally fund treatment by a psychiatrist or counsellor also.
For very serious and catastrophic injuries the insurer may also fund home modifications, purchase of a new vehicle and home care.
Every accident claims different and you should work closely with your Doctor and lawyer to ensure that your rehabilitation needs are met by the insurer. The CTP insurers in Queensland are very active in rehab needs and respond quickly to requests.
Motor Accident Claims – We’re on Your Side
Your Claim lawyers know that your rehab is important and we act quickly to ensure the insurer meets your rehab requirements. If required we will seek Court orders for you regarding your rehab.
To find out more about rehabilitation please call Your Claim Lawyers on 1800 968 725 or 0400 839 314 for a free consultation.