If you have a personal injury claim one of the major issues will be how much money you can recover from the insurer. The amount of your claim will depend on many factors including what injuries you suffered, your age, how the injuries have affected your work now and into the future and the expenses that you have incurred.
The first amount you can claim is pain and suffering. In Queensland this is limited and generally, the amount you are allowed to recover will not reflect your true pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are generally determined by the body percentage impairment that your injuries have caused. The percentage impairment is calculated by Doctors that you attend in your claim.
Injury compensation claim amounts vary
The biggest amount in your claim will be for past and future economic loss, that is the effect of your injuries on your ability to work. This amount depends on your age, what you do for a living and the like. For example, if you are a twenty-five-year-old tradie with a fractured wrist you would recover more for economic loss than a fifty-year-old lawyer with the same injury.
There are a variety of other amounts you can claim including out of pocket expenses, future expenses, care and assistance, and interest.
All of these amounts will add up to the total that you claim from the insurance company. Your lawyer will advise you on these amounts, gather the evidence to prove the claims and put all of the evidence and claims to the insurer.
Your Claim Lawyers are specialists in personal injury claims. We will maximise the amounts of your claim within the evidence and act for you to obtain the highest settlement possible. Our years of experience will ensure that you are satisfied with the result of your claim. Your Claim Lawyers act on a no win no fee basis.
Call Your Claim Lawyers today for a free consultation on 1800 968 725 or 0400 839 314.